Home care is for everyone

Young or old, families with or without children, all elderly and all informal caregivers


Stichting Wit Gele Kruis voor Thuiszorg “Prinses Margriet” (Stichting WGK) offers a wide range of assistance and services. Our objective of these services and assistance is that people can stay at home as long as possible and be cared for in their homes. The foundation also wants to ensure that people can return home more quickly to receive further help there, for example after being admitted to the hospital.

Home care is also available for the parents of children up to four years old. Moreover, we believe it is important to offer transportation to people who do not have transport possibilities in order for them to be on time at their medical appointment.

Home care is also available for the relatives of every client, whom we call the informal caregiver. Every person who cares for his or her loved one with dedication and love has a risk of becoming overburdened. As a home care provider, we can’t perform our job without informal caregivers and that is why it is also our job to support the informal caregivers and relieve them where necessary.

To be eligible for home care, you will be required to submit a number of documents. For more information about the care application, please refer to our page about registration.


Our department of Transport is responsible for transporting clients who are unable to go to a medical or paramedical institution by themselves or with family. 

Activity center

Our activity centers are specifically designed to allow senior citizens to actively participate in our society.

Nursing consultation hours

During our nursing consultation hours, we focus on increasing the self-management of a chronic illness so that you can deal with the disease as quickly as possible.

Specialist care

Our nurses specialize in areas such as oncology, palliative care, chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, CVA and medical pedicure.


WGK Academy offers theoretical lessons, practical training and e-learning courses to maintain high quality of care.

Transmural care

Our department of Transmural Care ensures that hospital care is arranged smoothly to your home 

District nursing

Our staff provides professional care at home and is responsible for the quality, cooperation and continuity in this care.

Parent and child care

The health, growth and development of babies to children of four years old are monitored at our consultation centers.

Elderly care

Elderly care is provided to support senior citizens in problem situations when they cannot temporarily run the household independently.